Astra DB

Your next Cassandra project just got easier

Do more with Astra DB, the only database-as-a-service that helps developers build Apache Cassandra® apps faster—without the cost of self-managed operations.

  • Deploy in minutes not weeks - no infrastructure expertise required
  • Reduce boilerplate coding with automatically generated data access APIs
  • Bring data to your users and edge services with built-in multi-region, active/active replication
  • Nail any SLA up to 99.99% with zero-touch operations, management, and serverless autoscaling
Start today with a $300/year credit
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Already have an account? 

Astra DB built on Apache Cassandra is available on AWS Marketplace

  • Consolidated billing through your AWS account
  • Pay as you go with no upfront commitments
  • Easier, self-service procurement
  • Retire your EDP commitment

Create apps faster

Astra DB takes care of Cassandra operations so you can focus on app creation.

Simplify every step

Work on the code that matters—and avoid time-wasting configuration changes.

Improve performance

Create apps that perform on any cloud—with no need to scale up or down.

Get started today

Build scalable web applications in the cloud without having to manage the ops.

Ecommerce. Authentication. Crypto. IoT. Gaming. No matter what you’re creating today, Astra DB can help you accelerate development at every step. See how your peers are executing data-driven applications with a cloud-native service, avoiding the hassles of database administration.

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Need help? Check out the Astra DB Developer Resource Page.

Join the leaders and create apps faster with Astra DB