Data on Kubernetes: The Leading with Code Community!

If you’re excited at the prospect of cloud-native databases on Kubernetes, you’re not alone. A group of like-minded individuals and organizations has assembled as the Data on Kubernetes Community, which has hosted over 50 meetups in multiple languages since its inception last year. We’re grateful to MayaData for helping to start this community, and are excited to announce that DataStax has joined as a co-sponsor of the DoKC.
In more great news, the DoKC was accepted as an official CNCF community group, and is set to host the first ever Data on Kubernetes Day as part of Kubecon/CloudNativeCon Europe on May 3. Rick Vasquez’s talk, “A Call for DBMS to Modernize on Kubernetes,” lays down a challenge to make the architectural changes required to become truly cloud native. Together, we’ll arrive at the best solutions through collaboration in open source communities like Kubernetes, Data on Kubernetes, Apache Cassandra, and K8ssandra. Let’s lead with code and keep talking!
Datastax News
Datastax & Apache Cassandra™ News:
- KubeCon Europe 2021 | DataStax is a proud sponsor of KubeCon Europe 2021. Join us as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing. Register for our workshop, which explores running data on Kubernetes, and check out the full KubeCon schedule
- Data on Kubernetes Day to launch at KubeCon Europe 2021 | The Data on Kubernetes Community Day will be held May 3 as a free co-located event at KubeCon where companies such as DataStax, Percona, MayaData / OpenEBS, and Kubesphere will discuss the technical challenges around running databases and data management on Kubernetes. See the full schedule here.
- A Case for Databases on Kubernetes from a Former Skeptic | Christopher Bradford, Product Manager DataStax
- A Maturity Model for Cloud-Native Databases | Jeff Carpenter, Developer Relations DataStax
Upcoming Workshops
- May 3 | Data on Kubernetes Day
- May 4 | Running a Cloud-Native Data Tier with K8ssandra
- May 5 or 6 | Introduction to NoSQL Databases
- Keep up to date with the DataStax Developer Workshops here
Apache Cassandra™ news from
- Example Code w/ Cassandra Alpakka and Twitter - Realtime Ingestion into Cassandra
- Getting Started w/ K8ssandra - Clone / Build / Run tutorial for K8ssandra
- Embedded Cassandra wraps Cassandra so you can embed it in your app or unit test.
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