CompanyNovember 12, 2018

DataStax Developer Day London: Developers Are Moving to Multi-Cloud

DataStax Developer Day London: Developers Are Moving to Multi-Cloud

So far, we have run five out of six DataStax Developer Day events this month. After four dates in the United States, we are now on the first leg of the European tour.

DataStax Developer Days are aimed at a mix of people with Cassandra skills—from those who are new to this database to those who want to expand what they do with search, analytics, and graph.

However, our Developer Day in London (on November 6) surprised me by how many people wanted to discuss multi-cloud.

Multi-Cloud is Real…Now What Was the Question?

Multi-cloud is the bright new shiny object for developers today. It involves running across more than one public cloud service. I thought this would be something that people might be interested in as a theoretical use case, but Developer Day London had multiple attendees doing this already.

One of the attendees—someone from a media company with millions of customers across the UK—stood up and gave an overview of why this is: it’s to avoid lock-in to a particular vendor or location.

From a data perspective, this attendee discussed how he wants to get the best platform for each particular job, provide teams with flexibility in how they work, and avoid issues if and when something failed.

After this, other attendees stood up and said that is the same thinking that they were going through. What surprised me was how quickly this was taking place in the developer community here. What is causing this? It’s the quality of collaboration between developers, operations teams and cloud teams, and London seems to be ahead on this topic compared to Europe and the US.

Looking Ahead With Cassandra

So far, we have seen a real mix of people attending DataStax Developer Days. Each event has thrown up some great discussions, and there have been some surprising questions that we learned from.

What is making the most difference to us is how we are approaching feedback. Each session has feedback-gathering tools available, and we are plugged into that to give some insight into what we are doing well and what we could do better. It’s all been constructive and is helping us improve what we offer to the developer community.

With one event to go in Paris, we want even more feedback on these specific events, and how we can broaden them out to more community members. If there is anything that you want to see from the DataStax Academy team, @datastaxacademy on Twitter is the way to go. We want to hear from you!

We hope to see you at one of our next DataStax Developer Days. Check out our calendar of events here.

Also, be sure to check out DataStax at DataStaxAccelerateThe World’s Premier Apache Cassandra Conference, May 21-23, 2019 in the Washington D.C. Area.


Multi-Cloud is Real…Now What Was the Question?

Looking Ahead With Cassandra

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