Delivering the Total Package: How FedEx CIO Rob Carter Continues to Lead the Industry in New “Inspired Execution” Podcast Series

Inspired Execution is a podcast series where DataStax Chairman and CEO Chet Kapoor interviews technology leaders from global enterprises on their journeys to scaling multi-billion dollar businesses while inspiring their teams.
You will hear their stories, their perspectives, and they will tell you what they wish they could’ve told the younger version of themselves, and much much more.
The first episode is no exception.
In episode one, Delivering the Total Package: How FedEx CIO, Rob Carter Continues to Lead The Industry, Rob shares lessons learned from his 27 year career at the world’s leading logistics provider. He provides his perspective on how technology “is the digital nervous system of a company,” the challenges he experiences in balancing being fully present and alert while driving towards what’s next, and why diversity is such a critical part of a company’s success.
“Diversity is so important for any CIO to keep in mind, so I think particularly in today’s world, it’s important to have a diverse mindset because you know, diversification is a value creator. It’s not something that’s a task we have to do, it is something that creates value.” — Rob Carter, FedEx CIO
Rob also dives into how FedEx, an almost 50-year-old multi-national delivery services company, has transformed in ways beyond what the eye can see thanks to today’s technologies and tomorrow’s innovations.
“We have significant repositories of data. And now what we’re doing is using this next generation technology to activate that data in a more real way and try to provide insights to the world and to customers that we think will be quite valuable.” — Rob Carter, FedEx CIO
We’ve only just scratched the surface.
Each episode will be jam-packed with industry insights that each tech leader has learned — not only throughout their career — but also in recent months as each enterprise and industry has faced their own unique challenges and disruptions from the global pandemic.
Upcoming podcast guests include:
- Sorabh Saxena, EVP of Global Operations and Services at AT&T
- Aiaz Kazi, Chief Platform Officer at Banco Santander
- Fahim Siddiqui, SVP of Information Technology at Home Depot
- Dev Ganguly, CIO at Jackson
- Edmond Mesrobian, CTO of Nordstrom
- Albert Hitchcock, CTO and COO at Pearson
- Cody Sanford, EVP and CIO at T-Mobile
- Sebastian Thrun, CEO at Kitty Hawk Corporation and Chairman and Co-Founder at Udacity
We invite you to listen to Inspired Execution and hope you can apply the key learnings on how to lead a powerful data-driven enterprise.
You can also listen to Chet’s inspiration behind ‘Inspired Execution’ on Episode 0. Chet tells us what to expect from the interviews with CIOs and tech leaders from the world’s top enterprises.
Check out the podcast series on, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.