Discovering Apache Cassandra® at Developer Day Paris

Developer Day in Paris on November 8, brought together 70 developers to meet the DataStax teams, discover the various features of Cassandra, and discuss different use cases. It was an opportunity for most of them to better understand the solution as a whole but also for some of the more seasoned users to strengthen their knowledge on more specific topics.
A Day to discover Cassandra…and DataStax
Faced with the impending need for digital transformation, CIOs are not short of stakes such as faster response times, optimal availability of applications, and data consistency, as confirmed by one young developer who works in EdTech: “I have already worked on Cassandra but I do not know the solution well enough,” he said. “The first session of the presentation was therefore very rewarding because it allowed to comprehend it in its entirety. Today, we use several databases and data centers but we need a better integration with our platform and connection with our database. Problems Cassandra and DataStax can answer.”
Deepening Knowledge
The goal of many participants was to improve their knowledge of technology to better apply it internally. Some companies, such as Capgemini, were represented by several of their IT employees in order to cover all the workshops and topics: “I was curious because we use DataStax Enterprise and Spark—especially for one of our applications very used in internal and requires a fast response time and a high level of data consistency—but I do not control all aspects. On this point, the day fully met my expectations and I learned a lot. ”
Some developers expressed some regret the fact of having to choose between the workshops allowing them to better understand the technical architecture of DataStax and their business uses. “I was mainly expecting a technical challenge of this day,” said an architect in banking information systems.” The subject of data modeling particularly interested me because it is the central point between the technical choice and the functional case. And why not also get more specific help on some PoC to experience the product with the customer. ”
His only regret? “Too bad to choose among the workshops that all seem very interesting. A single day may be a little short! But it is interesting to talk with the American team because we understand better their philosophy and the animation of the slides during the 1st session was very relevant. A feeling shared by many participants also pleased to meet other developers.”
Defining Specific Use Cases
“I had little opportunity to use Cassandra in my company,” one developer from Novencia said. “This day gives me the opportunity to scan the use cases to consider a possible use in-house. ”
Other companies, on the other hand, seemed to already have a more informed idea of the possibilities of using Cassandra, such as Société Générale, which had a developer at the meeting experienced in Hadoop technology: “I participated in the Core Cassandra workshop and what convinced me was that I was able to ask my questions directly to DataStax teams,” he said. “This is the reason that pushed me to move physically. I work at the fraud detection service at Société Générale and Cassandra, as a distributed database and without a single point of failure, could be very useful for me. This day gives me the opportunity to see concretely how the solution works but also to understand its possibilities in analytics and anticipate future developments with the use of machine learning. ”
Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise are solutions adapted to the challenges of both the developer and the customer—a clear advantage for any company wishing to deploy mission-critical applications in hybrid and multi-cloud environments.