TechnologyMay 19, 2020

Cloud-Native Architecture Puts the Power Back in Developers’ Hands

Cloud-Native Architecture Puts the Power Back in Developers’ Hands

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In recent years, many large organizations have started moving apps and data to the cloud thinking they’d have a few years to complete the transition. During the current crisis, those cloud migration timelines have been accelerated considerably.

This presents quite the quandary for many organizations that don’t have a ton of employees equipped with the skills needed to thrive at a cloud-based shop.

Good news: In DataStax Accelerate: A NoSQL Original Series, episode two - “2 years of Transformation in 2 Months: The Data Firehose,” a panel of experts discussed what enterprises can do to increase the chances they land on their feet when forced into a cloud-first world—and how DataStax Astra is uniquely positioned to help development teams be productive when building powerful, data-rich apps at scale in the cloud.

The New Stack’s Alex Williams (@alexwilliams) hosted a conversation between Ed Anuff          (@edanuff), chief product officer at DataStax; Amr Awadallah (@awadallah), VP of developer relations at Google Cloud; Tony Baer (@TonyBaer), principal of dbInsights; and Robert Reeves (@robertreeves), chief technical officer at Datical that explored:

  • How skills are requisite for success in the cloud and how new services are taking care of an ever-increasing amount of those skills
  • Why we’re entering the era of the “hybrid-default” database
  • How every company has teams that are well-versed in the cloud—and why organizations need to leverage this expertise 
  • Why technology needs to get easier in “the right ways,” according to Ed
  • DataStax Astra, a cloud-native database-as-a-service offering built on Apache Cassandra™ and powered by Kubernetes
  • How Google is a big believer in hybrid and multi-cloud environments
  • Why managed services in the cloud are key from an operational standpoint
  • How Astra makes it easier than ever to use Cassandra
  • Why cloud-native architecture is putting the power back in the hands of developers
  • How using Astra, you can spin up a Cassandra instance in Google Cloud in a couple of clicks—instead of a couple of months or longer
  • What the future of Cassandra looks like
  • And more!


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