CompanyMay 10, 2019

Building Apps Is Where It’s at for DataStax Accelerate

Building Apps Is Where It’s at for DataStax Accelerate

DataStax Accelerate is right around the corner and comes with a plethora of awesome speakers and informational talks. For those of you wearing a developer hat, the “Building Modern Applications” track was built for you.  

This track features talks on building applications with Spring Boot in Java, Go, and microservices in Python (all on Apache Cassandra), plus a discussion on how serverless functions make everything a microservice.

Want to figure out how to design for time series applications at scale? Then come watch Alice Lottini and Patrick Callaghan give you all the deets. Maybe architectures with Kafka and Cassandra is your thing; Cliff Gilmore of Confluent will bring the knowledge.

Like data modeling? Who doesn’t!? If that’s the case, you won’t want to miss Hackolade CEO Pascal Desmaret’s talk, “Data modeling Is Dead… Long Live Schema Design!”.  

Finally, how about a talk on leveraging DataStax Enterprise to build a feature store at Condé Nast, or an in-depth look at data as a service from the Chief Revenue Officer of CTO Boost, Keith Loo.


As you can see, there’s something for all stripes and sizes. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience some of the top names in the Apache Cassandra world send a few terabytes worth of knowledge into your brain nodes!

DataStax Accelerate


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