TechnologyDecember 20, 2017

C# Fluent API for DSE Graph Released

Jorge Bay Gondra
Jorge Bay Gondra
C# Fluent API for DSE Graph Released
dotnet add package Dse.Graph
using Dse; using Dse.Graph; using Gremlin.Net;
IDseCluster cluster = DseCluster.Builder() .AddContactPoint("") .Build(); IDseSession session = cluster.Connect();
GraphTraversalSource g = DseGraph.Traversal(session);
var traversal = g.V().HasLabel("person").Values<string>("name"); </string>
GraphResultSet result = session.ExecuteGraph(traversal);
GraphResultSet result = await session.ExecuteGraphAsync(traversal);
List<string> names = traversal.ToList(); </string>
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GremlinDataStax EnterpriseDSE GraphDriversC# / .NET

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