CompanyJuly 1, 2021

Better Together: Application Modernization with DataStax Enterprise on Dell EMC

Modernize applications, consolidate and scale databases across data centers, cloud and edge
Patrick Callaghan
Patrick Callaghan
Better Together: Application Modernization with DataStax Enterprise on Dell EMC

We’re excited to announce our collaboration with Dell Technologies: a new architecture for a highly available, scalable, and secure Apache Cassandra deployment, via DataStax Enterprise.

Built on Apache Cassandra, the NoSQL database of choice for high-volume workloads, DataStax Enterprise enables enterprises to make use of large and distributed datasets. In a newly released white paper, “Application Modernization for High-Volume Workloads with DataStax,” Dell explores how DataStax Enterprise enables application modernization, and how it performs on Kubernetes® platforms including Red Hat® OpenShift® and VMware Tanzu® running on Dell EMC™ PowerEdge™ servers.

The architecture describes a set of optimized DataStax Enterprise configurations created by Intel, DataStax, and Dell to test latency, throughput, and overall performance in multiple scenarios. The whitepaper provides guidance and best practices for deploying DataStax on Dell EMC and Intel infrastructure. 

These best practices deliver the following benefits:

  • Cost savings resulting from reducing reliance on mainframes and legacy data platforms 
  • Easy integration into existing Kubernetes platforms
  • The ability to capture and act on large amounts of data in real time
  • Storage of vast amounts of historical data with immediate access
  • Real‑time and batch analytics for personalized customer experiences

Download the whitepaper to learn more about these benefits and best practices, or check out our solution brief.  

For more on application modernization, visit the Dell Technologies’ InfoHub for data analytics, 5 Steps to Solving Modern Scalability Problems Whitepaper, and the companion webinar


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