Thomas Been has helped businesses transform with data and technology for more than 20 years, in sales and marketing leadership roles at Sybase (acquired by SAP), TIBCO, and Druva. When he led marketing at TIBCO, Thomas grew the $1B+ company's awareness and increased the marketing team's contribution to revenue via targeted, engaging, and personalized digital experiences. At Druva, he shaped the marketing team and strategy that established the company as the leader of SaaS data protection.

Thomas has a Master's Degree in Physics from Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis.

The latest from Thomas Been

ChatGPT: It Knows a Thing or Two About Databases
ChatGPT: It Knows a Thing or Two About Databases
Principles of Cloud Native Architecture
Principles of Cloud Native Architecture
DataStax Increases Customer Value with Continuous Optimizations & Delivers 50% Cost Reduction in Astra DB Write Operations
DataStax Increases Customer Value with Continuous Optimizations & Delivers 50% Cost Reduction in Astra DB Write Operations