Astra DB - Plugin for HashiCorp Vault

Watch the DataStax Developers Astra DB - Plugin for HashiCorp Vault video.

With the HashiCorp Vault plugin for Astra DB, application token management can be delegated to HashiCorp Vault, which allows associating metadata with tokens and helps track the creation and revocation of the tokens, and logs token ownership and usage. Currently, Astra DB application tokens are not tied to any specific user and do not have any metadata or descriptions tied to them. As a result, it is possible to lose track of ownership and usage of the tokens. This allows for those additional security controls for Astra DB tokens.

Note that to use the plugin, it is required to have a functional HashiCorp Vault deployment. The HashiCorp Vault plugin for Astra DB is offered as an open source plugin and can be downloaded from here. Please refer to the technical documentation to install and use the HashiCorp Vault Plugin for Astra DB.