Supply Chain Risk Management – Detect, Predict, and Act to Mitigate Risk Across the Global Supply Chain for Public Sector
The Department of Defense (DoD) and other government agencies are continuing to enact policies and procedures to counter ever-expanding threats to the global supply chain for goods and services. These initiatives are designed to increase contractor compliance and reduce national security risk. For example, Section 881 of the 2019 NDAA bolsters the federal government’s ability to combat supply chain risk by empowering DoD leaders to "exclude contractors from certain procurement actions in the interest of national security." While this policy is a step in the right direction: How do acquisition leaders gain visibility into risk factors and supplier relationships across an increasingly complex procurement landscape?
We’ll cover how reducing supply chain risk, strengthening vetting, and procurement process requires deep correlation of real-time activities, supply chain elements, and security risks, including:
- Risk scoring, regulatory compliance, and audit
- Supply chain analytics
- Material relationships
- Visualize dependency and impacts
- Optimization
We’ll wrap up with a demo on rough cut planning in real time, routing optimization, supply and demand optimization, warehouse inventory leveling, decision planning, efficiency and shortest path, geospatial, Sankey and flow visuals, and impact analysis and relationship viewing.