TechnologyNovember 28, 2018

Getting started with GraphQL and Apache Cassandra™

Cedrick Lunven
Cedrick LunvenSoftware Engineer
Getting started with GraphQL and Apache Cassandra™
public interface CommentDseDao {
/** Provide videoid and paging information to retrieve a set of comments. */ ResultListPage<comment> findCommentsByVideoId(QueryCommentByVideo query); </comment>
<comment>/** Provide userid and paging information to retrieve a set of comments. */ ResultListPage<comment> resultComments = findCommentsByUserId(QueryCommentByUser query); </comment></comment>
<comment><comment>/** Insert new comment on all expected tables from a web bean. */ void insertComment(Comment myComment); </comment></comment>
# Searches and read-only operations on KillrVideo Keyspace #-------------------------------------------------------------
type Query {
<comment>} </comment>
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Data ModelingDSE GraphApache Cassandra™

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